Huangfu Shaohua smile.

” Huangfu Shaohua smile. Took an arrow to me, and grabbed my hand and help me pull the bow, I squinted aim for a ugg bailey button boots while, let go, the arrow fly. I hurriedly looked good, not off target. Huangfu Shaohua, an arrow to another delivery, this time I do not want him to help himself to pull into a moon-shaped bow, and then let go of a fierce, half-day, did not see the arrows fall. After a child, that old servant came running, holding the hands of a bird, I take a closer look, my arrows are inserted in the birds back. “Good arrows fourth brother,” Huangfu Shaohua laughed: “actually be able to reach all parts of the birds back.” A piece of my face suddenly flushed. Angrily: ugg bailey button triplet boots “I do not shot.” Side stormed a bow to go. Huangfu Shaohua ran over, grabbed my shoulder: “The fourth brother, do not be angry please. I joke with you.” I said: “I am your brother, not you used to play.” ” Operators brother wrong, is not into you. “Shaohua begged at me. I Xieni at him, the heart can not stand you. West Ramp has been trained to the sun, my arm has been acid is lift it up. Huangfu Shaohua called the attendants moved in two bamboo chair, I sat himself sitting opposite me, grabbed my arm and said: “Brother to help you rub to hurt.” I glimpse the twinkling of an eye attendants The eyes reveal a smile. Heart shy: “The Third Brother, we go back.

” Huangfu Shaohua heard this, he said: “Okay.” Commanded the attendants brought the Malay side. I reached for the reins, hands off the force, a moment she could not lift. Shaohua met said: “Why do not we ride a horse it.” Feihong my face and said: “No.” Finally jumped on horseback, slowing down the reins, together we slowly ride back. To the Manor House, the days have been dusk, me and Shaohua just inside the door, there came reports of a servant, a man named Marco Polo Semu, in the hall waiting for a long time for. I am busy fast walking past. Marco Polo saw neatly dressed sitting on a chair, holding a cup of tea, huangfu against the chair, is working with him Xuhua. See me in, put down the cup of Marco Polo came forward and said: “My dear friend, you finally have come.” Side gave me a big hug. I looked up to see huangfu face was a look of disapproval. Busy on the Marco Polo said: “Mr Ma seat. What can ghd purple I do for you.” Marco said with a smile: “Liugong Zai, thank you for the Jienangxiangzhu yesterday, I now found a job in the house.” “What job, “I asked. “Give the emperor again and again to explain the wonders all over the thing, while the heavenly record of civil Earth customs, spread around the world to go.”ugg classic tall   My heart said: “is really the case, it is consistent with history, I do not know history, let me just met him, or I follow the history. “thought here, I hand over smiled and said:” Congratulations to Mr.
Par nnnike le jeudi 10 mars 2011


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