Not to do ten laps

“Not to do ten laps.” Huangfu Shaohua Tao, I energetically hammer him, and he is letting go. After ten laps until the turn, bailey button ugg I have pale, Huarong eclipsed. Shaohua put me on the ground. Be crumbling. “You really can not wrong with you.” Shaohua cautiously came over to see me, see I do not like fraud, busy pick me up: “The fourth brother, I’m sorry, is my brother is not good. Brother which send you back.” finished, holding dusky room, I went to. All this was room for a person to see in the eyes. Huangfu to look back from the window, looking down thought for a while, waved and called housekeeping Huangfu said: “I write a letter, you’ll find a capable person sent me.” Huangfu and Chuishou said: “Yes.” huangfu used pen and ink, spread stationery sped his pen.

Finished, took an envelope, on the cover reads: “Brother pro-Kai Meng Shi Yuan Yu wind on the Huangpu brother.” Finish the letter and handed Huangfu, Huangfu and hands to accept the letter, and slowly withdrew. Huangfu Windrider slowly stood up from the chair, looking out the window, his eyes flashed a smile. I lay there for a while, gradually better, then standing on my bed Shaohua, see I have not woke up, anxious hand-wringing stomp, Junlian red. I eyelids open a crack, saw his anxious look, the hearts of angry and laughed. Do not care for him, just to Zhuangshui. Huangfu Shaohua moved a chair, sitting in front of me, looked at me attentively, and I feel his scorching eyes, disturbed mind could not help it, I do not know what he’ll do. A long time, a hand on to my Binbian. A voice murmured: “fourth brother, If you are a nice woman, the third brother dream the past few days, women are renowned for the way you dress, the third brother did not dare every morning ugg bailey button boots waking up from a dream, afraid of you and the men look back, you said the third brother is not stupid. “I listened to him with loving words, what soul was touched something soft. Nose, tears would come to an acid, for fear he discovered, hey busy uttered: “The first good Yune.” Shaohua seeing overjoyed: “The fourth brother, you wake up.” I opened my ghd pink eyes looked at him, his eyes clear and bright, looked at me so Leng Leng, not instantaneous moment. Touched my heart, was excited: “What are you sitting here, I feel dizzy, going to bed.” Shaohua heard, the waiter chair up and walked to the door, and looked at me reluctantly back Fang Gently close the door and left. I heard he went too far, and ugg classic tall slowly sat up, words: “ah Lijun Lijun,, if it were you, how would you do
Par nnnike le jeudi 10 mars 2011


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